Over time, debris accumulates in the ductwork of traditional rectangular industrial duct collection exhaust systems. A buildup of this debris can decrease performance efficiency by up to 42%. This is no small sum, and in many cases can be very financially damaging. However, that’s not the only thing debris in duct exhaust systems can cause.
Microbes and allergens can easily form in these old ducts. This can contaminate the air in your home, business, or even the local hospital. Oval duct products can help mitigate these potentially harmful contaminants.
Antimicrobial Duct Coating
Using antimicrobial duct coating can help contribute to cleaner air in every building we spend time in. Metallic salts like copper, cobalt, silver, and zinc all add to antimicrobial properties. They work by killing microbes that attempt bonding with intracellular proteins. Making oval duct products from these materials, as well as using antimicrobial coating with similar properties could contribute to a much cleaner air supply.
We carry antimicrobial coating and flat sheets to protect your air purity. The epoxy-based coating protects the inside of your ducts from ever accumulating microbes in the first place. While flat sheets are convenient and pre-coated, the silver and water-based epoxy coating is more cost-effective and easy enough to apply on your own.
Besides the importance of antimicrobial properties in ductwork, oval ducts are much less expensive than rectangular ducts. They also take less time to install, occupy less space and are often much more efficient. Using antimicrobial coating with oval or spiral ducting is the best of both worlds. Clean air, cost-effective, fully fabricated, space-saving ducting; what more can you ask for?
We specialize in the fabrication of oval and spiral duct products for your complete HVAC needs. We also understand the growing air purity concerns many people with asthma and respiratory conditions face, which is why we aim to build not only the highest quality ducting but the safest as well. If you find yourself in need of oval or spiral duct fabrication and antimicrobial coating, don’t hesitate to contact us today.