Spiral Duct Restaurant

If you’re looking to update the HVAC system in your restaurant, consider the benefits of incorporating spiral ductwork. Not only is the spiral duct better than the oft-seen rectangular ducts, this type of ductwork will add a unique flair to your restaurant.

They’re strong

You need new ductwork and you need it now, but you don’t want to skimp on quality. Instead of a sealant to keep the pipes fitted together, the oval spiral duct relies on strong, firm seams and corrugated finish reduces vibration and noise as well. With the seamless way the pipes fit together, they can accommodate any restaurant – no matter the shape or size – because of their long and short length options. This is great for a smaller space where round spiral ducts or the old rectangular-style ducts won’t fit. In fact, rectangular ducts can take up to three inches of space more than the spiral duct.

A leader in energy efficiency

Restaurants cost a fortune to run – between the heating, cooling, electricity needed for the dining room and kitchen, the water, and the gas, it can be hard to keep up on the barrage of bills. Spiral ducts virtually eliminate air leakage thanks to the seamless piping and promote energy efficiency. In a spiral duct, your air pressure drop is lower when comparing it to the classic rectangular ductwork. This is primarily due to the smooth finish of a spiral duct – with a rectangular duct, the edges halt airflow. Thanks to this efficient form of ductwork, your monthly bills will go down and you can focus on the important stuff: namely, your guests, who don’t want any leaks when they’re eating. The quality of the air inside your restaurant will stay clean and fresh, keeping your customers healthy and happy.

Oval spiral ducts are also watertight – while humidity is easily amplified in a restaurant setting, this reliable form of duct will ensure no water will drip or pool where your customers enjoy their meal.


Exposed spiral ducts are a great way to make your restaurant stand out. Where ductwork was often covered before, the shape and style of an exposed spiral duct will give your restaurant an industrial, modern vibe if you like the look of the clean metal. However, spiral ducting can also be painted to effortlessly blend in with the style of your restaurant. The customizable aspect, along with the reduced noise caused by this type of ductwork will surely improve the aesthetic of your restaurant.

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