Single wall spiral pipe is formed from a coil of metal into a rigid tube with a 4-ply spiral lockseam. It has a smooth interior for low friction loss with the grooved seam entirely on the outside. This pipe has a resistance to crushing approximately 2 1/2 times that of longitudinal lockseam or welded pipe.
Single wall spiral ductwork is not only easy to install, it’s just as easy to seal, offers plenty of energy-efficiency benefits and is visually appealing. Additionally, thanks to the ability for non-shedding fiberglass, single wall spiral ducts can be insulated without a core, resulting in significant cost savings (up to 50% of the cost of double wall spirals).
Deciding about your building’s ductwork can be tricky, especially if you’re – like most people – unsure of all the difference between various styles and the benefits of certain ducts. Thankfully, DC Duct and Sheet Metal is here to help!
If you can draw it, we can make it.
Materials – All ductwork pipe and fittings are fabricated to meet American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A-527.
Leakage – As long as joints are properly sealed, leakage should not exceed 1/2 of 1%.
Fittings – All fittings are manufactured to conform to ASTM and the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) standards.
Fitting Styles – Single wall spiral ducts are available with the following fittings: tee, conical tee, lateral, conical lateral, combination tee, and elbow. (NOTE: standard elbows have a 1.5 x diameter centerline radius).
Our products are fabricated from a variety of materials. Not all of our products are available in all materials. All duct and fittings are manufactured to SMACNA-HVAC construction standards, metal and flexible, third edition, 2005. Some will exceed this standard.